
Grammar Point of the Week: 擬態語・擬音語 Otomatopoeia

This isn't really an entry of a specific word, but I found this Japanese Google dictionary for onomatopoeia. According to its little blurb, onomatopoeia is often used in emails, blogs, etc, and can be used to create an atmosphere of affinity (?) for your reader. I think it would be a good way to "piddle away some time", instead of checking facebook or your email for a moment. You can browse the terms by their first syllable, and learn the various onomatopoeia that can be associated with a certain verb. These terms are used quite a bit, so they are a useful thing to learn. Some you can guess just by the quality of their sound; for example ザーザー降る is used when it rains heavily and violently, and you can probably understand that by the voicing of the ザーザー and the way the a is drawn out. It just kind of gives you that feeling, doesn't it? But you shouldn't rely on guesses for everything, so check it out!


Toyota Plant

Read in Japanese

We visited the Toyota plant, and then the Toyota Museum. Unfortunately, photos and video were absolutely not allowed within the plant. It really is a shame, because it was amazing. Something about the organization of everything -- all of those moving parts, human and robot, working together -- just wowed me. I felt like I was breathing efficiency and seeing the future. (Comments about Toyota brakes aside). I suppose you can see the way humans and robots work together in car factories on commercials, "How Do They Do It?", etcetera, but to see it in real life, on such a scale, I think is really awe-inspiring. One thing I can tell you is: the Toyota plant used different tunes to apply to different teams/sections of the factory. It was cute.

At the Toyota Museum: learn how your car protects you 
in the event of an accident




トヨタの工場と、トヨタ博物館も見に行きました。工場では写真もビデオも撮ってはいけなかったのですが、本当にすごい場所だからそれは残念だと思いました。 何となく工場の人間とロボットが一緒に働くシステムなどに、胸がわくわくさせられます。 その効率的な雰囲気を体験して、まるで目の前で未来を見ているような気がします。(ブレーキのことは略します。)おそらく車工場の働きぶりなどは、CMやテレビ番組で見られると思いますが、本物を見るともっとすごい印象を受けると思います。

番組などでは教えてくれないことを、私が一つ教えてあげられるかもしれません。トヨタ工場では、あるチームって言うか、ある部署ではチャイムとして音楽が流れます。例えば、Aチームには、Mary Had a Little Lambで、Bチームの曲はTwinkle Twinkle Little Starという感じです。面白かった!


博物館も面白かったです。車に乗れるショールーム も、決まった時間にトランペットを吹くロボットも、車の色々な部分や略図、未来的な設計コンセプトの絵もあります。博物館自体は、それほど大きくないけどとっても面白い場所で、また、効率的な工場を見学することもできてすごい体験でした。


実は、ちょっと怖かった。「人間狩り用、未来派の車 」という感じがしませんか?


Some notes...


Do you Pachinko?

So I had my first real foray into Pachinko the other night, courtesy of my host father, who ushered me in saying something to the effect of, "it's something you have to try at least once." I say my first 'real' foray, because my previous experience with Pachinko lasted a grand total of twenty seconds, which were spent without touching a machine in the following fashion:

  • seconds 1-5:  Maybe we can find the stairs in here. Hey, do you hear that? It sounds like a million angry and robotic bees.
  • seconds 6-15:  Oh my god, our oxygen has been replaced with cigarette smoke. Why are all of these machines screaming at us? What is the meaning of all of these shiny balls? Where are the stairs?
  • seconds 16-20: I think we should go. Is it just me, or are your ears bleeding too?
My impressions at that time were: 1) Pachinko is noisy, and 2) Pachinko parlour air space is 60% cancer. That's really all I could manage to glean in the few seconds which comprised our first meeting. After spending about 2 and a half hours in one, and playing at two machines, my experiences are bit more informative. Pachinko seems to be a mix of pinball machine and slot machine, but with a dash of confusion and crazy.


So I had my first real foray into Pachinko the other night, courtesy of my host father, who ushered me in saying something to the effect of, "it's something you have to try at least once".


I say my first 'real' foray, because my previous experience with Pachinko lasted a grand total of twenty seconds, which were spent without touching a machine in the following fashion:

  • seconds 1-5:  Maybe we can find the stairs in here. Hey, do you hear that? It sounds like a million angry and robotic bees.
  • seconds 6-15:  Oh my god, our oxygen has been replaced with cigarette smoke. Why are all of these machines screaming at us? What is the meaning of all of these shiny balls? Where are the stairs?
  • seconds 16-20: I think we should go. Is it just me, or are your ears bleeding too?
一秒から五秒:こっち階段があるかな。えっ?それ聞こえる?百万 匹の起こっていたロボット・ハチの音か?



My impressions at that time were 1) Pachinko is noisy, and 2) Pachinko parlour air space is 60% cancer, and that's really all I could manage to glean in the few seconds which comprised our first meeting.


After spending about 2 and a half hours in one, and playing at two machines, my experiences are bit more informative.

Pachinko seems to be a mix of pinball machine and slot machine, but with a dash of confusion and crazy.

Gustatory Adventure Day 3: Chinese Restaurant On the Way to Nanzan from Nagoya Daigaku, the Name of Which I Failed to Get

It's small and cozy! Catering to the college lunch time crowd, there's a selection of manga to read while you eat! There are daily specials! It's decently priced! It's Chinese food!!

So yeah, definitely not a bad place to stop by.

Kimchi Chahan, what whaaat


Four Interesting Things about Himeji Castle

Read in Japanese

 1. A layout designed for defense. Actually, if you`re making a castle I`m betting that one of the first things you want to think about is defense, meaning that every castle has some kind of defensive design, but in Himeji Castle`s case, it`s especially interesting. The barriers and etc were constructed to keep invading armies moving in a spiral-like pattern, making them easy targets for defending soldiers. You can look around the castle with a virtual tour and maybe see for yourself.




実は、お城を作るとき、防衛のことから始めるから、どんなお城でも防衛のために建てられたというわけですけど、 姫路城の防衛の設計は特に面白いですよ。防壁などは、侵入者らせん状で動かして、かもにするように建てられていたんです。



彫刻は入り口などの上にありました。私が見た中では、鳥の彫刻が多かったです。お城の大事な部分じゃないかもしれませんが、芸が細かいし、とても美しいと思いました。装飾美術保護するために、写真 は禁止ですから、姫路城に行かなければ、中にある彫り物が見られません。


お菊が城主に教えたとわかった、 謀反人は、家宝のお皿を壊して、お菊のせいにしました。そのため、お菊は殺されて井戸に投げ込まれました。 そのあと、ずっと、お皿を数えるお菊の声が井戸から聞こえるそうです。





Some terms...


Love Letter to Miyajima

Read in Japanese

Oh, Miyajima.

When I first met you you were wreathed in fog, but it made you look like one of those forbidden islands filled with dinosaurs/prehistoric beasts etc, so I didn't mind. I'd heard you were full of such wondrous things as floating shrines, rope-ways, mountains for climbing, and an aquarium (which is closed until 2011, but it`s OK, you`re cool even without a display of otters). We don't ride ferries where I'm from and oh, Miyajima, you offered such excitement.





宮島。海の上に浮く、霧雨の中でも美しい鳥居のことは知っていたけど、引き潮だとそこへ歩いて、触ることができるとは知らなかった。 どこに行っても鹿に襲われてしまうことも知らなかったけど、意外とみすぼらしくて、そしてポケットや手の中にも、服の糸にも食べ物をしつこく探そうとすることがちょっと怖かったけど、かわいい鹿だった。でも大きな鳥居の話に戻りましょうね。 お金を投げて島木と貫の間を通ればラッキーと聞いたけど、それを聞いたのはそこを帰ってからのこと。でも、少なくとも鳥居にも、そこに付着したフジツボにも触ったよ。

宮島さん、私は弥山に登るのが大好きでした。期待したさるが見られなくても、楽しかったです。さるのことだけど、犬山へ引っ越したと書いてなかったけど、友達のホストマザーによると本当はそうらしい。足が三本だけの鹿も、目が片方潰れてしまった鹿も見たよ。 森のあるその山の中に何か鹿を襲うばけものかなにかがいるんだろうか?写真を取ったり、景色を見たり、岩を登ったりしながら、2時間かかって山を歩いて探してみても、さると同様、鹿を襲ったりするばけものも見ることができなかった。 それも犬山に連れていかれたのかもしれませんね。まあ、少なくとも上からの景色を見ることができたし、、ずっと登った後だったからいい気持ちだった。また見たいですよ。 ロープウェーに乗って降りてくるときも美しい景色を見た。ちょうど最後のロープウェーカーに乗れるように着いてよかった。



Some terms...


Flowers. Oh, flowers (Shukkeien Garden)

Read in Japanese

In Hiroshima, at Shukkeien Garden, we saw hundreds of beautiful flowers. Such a relaxing and beautiful place. I'd recommend a visit this time of year, especially if you've visited the A-Bomb Dome and need some time to think, or something beautiful to look at. The garden was originally built in the 1620's, but was destroyed during the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Now, rebuilt, it provides visitors with some tranquility. There are tea ceremonies, though I didn't see any while I was there. There's a 100 yen discount for students, even college students, so bring your school id. The normal fee is 250 yen, I believe.






Some terms...


Okonomiyaki, the Hiroshima verison

In Hiroshima, they make okonomiyaki with udon or soba noodles, instead of a lot of batter. It's pretty tasty.
広島風お好み焼きは、バッターを使わなくて、うどんやそばで作るんだそうです。 おいしいよ!

The song is Popsicles and Futons, by Paqman.
歌はPaqmanのPopsicles and Futonsです。


Citizen's Center for Disaster Prevention in Kyoto

In Kyoto we visited the Citizen's Center for Disaster Prevention, which is entirely FREE. It's not that big of a complex, but I had an even better time than I expected to have (and hearing that there were earthquake/typhoon etc simulators made my expectations quite high.) 

Yes,  you can experience it all free. Everything is scheduled though, so you can't go about it willy-nilly, but there is a Mud Slide experience, Typhoon experience, 3-D Earthquake experience, Smoke Inhalation experience, and a Fireman video game, amongst other things. They have an English pamphlet, but all of the activities are in Japanese. The staff are extremely kind and helpful. 

 Yeah you can get in this helicopter. Yeah you can.










3・Dサウンド土砂災害の恐怖、3・D京都大地震、台風体験は、何もしないでバーチャルに体験するものです。3・Dサウンド土砂災害の恐怖では、暗い部屋の中で、 土砂災害に巻き込まれた家族の会話や土砂災害の音を聞きます。部屋の壁にあるものが落ちる、いすが動くということもあります。台風体験では、自分が選んだ強さで台風のように強い風を体感します。


地震体験と避難体験では、こういう災害があればどうすればいいのかという説明のあと、 訓練があります。地震体験では、部屋が動いているうちに、テーブルの下に隠したり、電気を消したりしなければなりません。避難体験では、充満したの廊下を歩いて、出口を見つけて逃げなくてはなりません。






楽しい場所として保障:THUMBS UP! 

Some more terms...